New study highlights NMA's role in promoting work opportunities
The Construction Labor Research Council (CLRC) recently completed a study on the impact that the National Maintenance Agreements have had on the promotion of work opportunities for building trades craft workers throughout the United States.
CLRC utilized NMAPC work hour data from 2007 through 2009, but the analysis goes beyond simply using work hours reported in evaluating the impact of the Agreements. Some of CLRC's most important findings are summarized below.
- During the three-year period (2007-2009), the National Maintenance Agreements on average were responsible for facilitating 40,000 full time industrial construction and maintenance jobs per year within the construction industry. This represents, on average, 3.5% of all union craft jobs in the unionized construction industry during this timeframe.
- Wage payments to workers on projects performed under the National Maintenance Agreements averaged close to $2.5 billion for the 2008 calendar year. During the same time approximately $946 million per year was remitted by employers for workers to fund their health care and retirement needs on NMA projects.
- In 2008 alone, the total amount of taxes (Federal Social Insurance Taxes, Federal Income Taxes and State Income Taxes) paid by workers on NMA projects was $420 million.
May 27, 2010