Website Work Hours Reporting Still Under Construction

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ALERT: has updated its system NMAPC Website Updated June 7, 2024

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NMA I.Q: A Powerful Online Learning Tool

NMA I.Q. offers comprehensive training and information on the industry's flagship project labor agreement

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Download Your Free Copy of the NMA Today

Read and download the NMA, the Book of Decisions and other supporting documents -- absolutely free!

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NMAPC Website Work Hours Reporting Still Under Construction, check back in August

new NMAPC Website Work Hours reporting Section is Still Under Construction. check back in August.

Important Update: New TAUC & NMAPC Database Launched

NMAPC Website offline June 5-6, 2024 Website will be offline June 5-6, 2024 for maintenance

Current Automotive Addendums to the National Maintenance Agreements

The NMAPC has current addendums to the NMAs in place for construction and maintenance work at Fiat Chrysler Automotive, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors Company.

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